Constantly changing payroll regulations, payroll tax rates, wage limits, and tax thresholds make payroll processing one of the biggest challenges for a small business. Throw in electronic payroll tax deposit deadlines, quarterly Federal and state payroll tax returns, and annual wage statement reporting and it becomes a paperwork nightmare. The slightest mistake or missed deadline will certainly result in IRS and state tax notices with costly penalties. You can invest in payroll software with an expensive annual payroll license subscription, make a big time commitment and process your payroll in-house. You could always outsource your payroll processing to one of the large national payroll firms. They do a fine job for large employers but if you have only have small number of employees this may not be suitable for your business due to high fees, lack of customer service, and having to enter your own employee and payroll information on their website portal.
Trinity CPA Group offers an all-inclusive, low cost payroll service for our accounting and tax clients. Whether you're the only shareholder employee or you have 100 employees, we can meet your payroll needs. We process your weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly payroll, offer you the choice of employee direct deposit, paper pay checks, or electronic check stubs if you prefer to write out your own checks. We make all your IRS EFTPS tax deposits and e-file the quarterly payroll tax returns. We turn the dreaded payroll nightmare into a pleasant dream!